Steps to a Two State Solution: Encourage Arab states to normalise relations with Israel and deepen the Abraham Accords

Steps to a two state solution: For Israel, for Palestine, for peace Step Five: Encourage Arab states to normalise relations with Israel and deepen the Abraham Accords The Abraham Accords – the 2020 agreements between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan and Morocco to establish diplomatic relations – represent Read more…

Steps to a Two State Solution: Support the establishment of an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace and re-establish UK support for peace-building work 

Steps to a two state solution: For Israel, for Palestine, for peace Step Four: Support the establishment of an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace and re-establish UK support for peace-building work Modelled on the highly successful International Fund for Ireland, an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace would allow the international community Read more…

Steps to a Two State Solution: End the Palestinian Authority’s payment of salaries to convicted terrorists and the payment of rewards to the families of “martyrs” 

Steps to a two state solution: For Israel, for Palestine, for peace Step Three: Demand an end to the Palestinian Authority’s payment of salaries to convicted terrorists and the payment of rewards to the families of “martyrs” The Palestinian Authority’s policy of paying “salaries” to those convicted of terrorist offences and Read more…