Home Secretary Yvette Cooper MP

Home Secretary Yvette Cooper told Community Security Trust’s (CST) annual business lunch that she will use the “full force of the law” against those “who use conflict in the Middle East as a pretext to attack communities here in Britain” yesterday.

Cooper stressed “there is no place for the glorification of terrorism or support for proscribed terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah or Hizb ut-Tahrir.”

“No ifs and no buts – those who proliferate that poison, on the streets or online, must always face the full force of the law.”

She continued: ”We know from experience that events in the Middle East can and do play out in increased tension and hatred here on our streets. 

“And whilst there will always be room for fierce debate and disagreement on foreign policy issues… 

“What is not acceptable, and will never be acceptable, is using conflict in the Middle East as a pretext to attack communities here in Britain. So let me be very clear. 

“The horrific and soaring levels of antisemitism we have seen over the last year cannot and will not be tolerated. Not now and not ever. Because there is no place for antisemitism in this country.”

The Home Secretary noted how CST had recorded the alarming rise in antisemitism in this country in recent times, be it attacks on synagogues, schools or universities with great professionalism and detail.