This news item was first published by the Jewish Chronicle on 16th May and the full story can be found here:

The news that Baroness Royall was joining the inquiry was welcomed by Joan Ryan MP, chair of Labour Friends of Israel.

In a statement, she said: “It is now obvious that the virulently anti-Israel discourse which exists among a minority within the Labour party cannot be separated from the issue of anti-Semitism.

“I have made this clear in my discussions thus far with Shami Chakrabarti and LFI will be working to ensure this is at the top of her agenda.”

Ms Ryan added: “We will judge the success of this inquiry on its willingness to make the case that while there is nothing illegitimate about criticising the actions of the Israeli government, this must not be allowed to cross the red line into denying the Jewish people’s right to self-determination and thus the existence of the state of Israel.”