Steps to a Two State Solution: For Israel, for Palestine, for Peace 

Labour Friends of Israel is delighted to publish its latest policy briefing, Steps to a Two-State Solution.  

The two-state solution is the only means by which to guarantee Israel’s security and to preserve its identity as a Jewish and democratic state, as well as to satisfy the legitimate demand of the Palestinian people for self-determination and national sovereignty.   

It is also the only solution which commands popular support among both the Israeli and Palestinian peoples.   

Sadly, a lack of political leadership on both sides and a failure by the international community to support peace-makers in both Israel and Palestine has led to a prolonged hiatus in the peace process.    

In this pamphlet, LFI sets out 30 steps – political, economic and civil society – which Israel, the Palestinians, the international community and the UK could take in order to preserve the viability, and advance the prospects of, a two-state solution. They seek to shrink the boundaries of the conflict, begin the process of rebuilding trust and confidence on both sides, and, crucially, ease the plight of the Palestinian people and expand their rights and freedoms while preserving the security of the Israeli people.   

With a foreword from LFI chair Steve McCabe and introduction from Israeli Labor leader Merav Michaeli, these steps are not exclusive, and nor are they exhaustive. They are designed to be both practical – in terms of offering concrete measures which could make a real difference on the ground – as well as illustrative.  

The steps do place demands on all sides, and it is important that the need for action by all players in the conflict is respected, demanded and supported by all those who hope that this tragic conflict may be brought to a close – for Israel, for Palestine, and for peace.  

The steps were previously released online week by week, and have now been compiled into this policy briefing, released in October 2022.  

In compiling these steps, we have drawn extensively upon a number of sources, including the writings of Micah Goodman, David Makovsky and the excellent 50 Steps Before the Deal project of the Israel Policy Forum.  


30 Steps to a Two-State Solution: 

Step 1: Tackle the humanitarian crisis in Gaza

Step 2: Freeze settlement building

Step 3: End the Palestinian Authority’s payment of salaries to convicted terrorists and the payment of rewards to the families of “martyrs”

Step 4: Support the establishment of an International Fund for Israeli-Palestinian Peace and re-establish UK support for peace-building work

Step 5: Encourage Arab states to normalise relations with Israel and deepen the Abraham Accords

Step 6: Increase work permits for Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza

Step 7: Ensure transportational contiguity for Palestinians

Step 8: Support Jerusalem as capital of Israel and future Palestinian state

Step 9: Ensure enforcement of UNSCR 1701, international action to prevent Hezbollah’s precision-missile project and attacks on Israel

Step 10: Demand Hamas renounce the use of violence and terrorism

Step 11: Demand Hamas releases hostages

Step 12: Pressure the Palestinian Authority to stop human rights abuses

Step 13: Support the development of Rawabi

Step 14: Ensure Palestinians can travel abroad more freely

Step 15: Support construction of a Gaza seaport

Step 16: Support steps towards a permanent Gaza ceasefire

Step 17: International action to curb Iran’s malign activities

Step 18: Oppose unilateral actions by either side

Step 19: Pressure Egypt to permanently open the Rafah crossing

Step 20: Support free elections in the West Bank and Gaza

Step 21: Preserve the Temple Mount status quo

Step 22: Expand Palestinian autonomous zones and issue building permits for Area C

Step 23: Support a reformed UNRWA

Step 24: Support the reunification of the West Bank and Gaza under PA authority

Step 25: Support Palestinian economic independence

Step 26: End incitement in the Palestinian school curriculum

Step 27: Increase exit permits to allow Gaza residents to study abroad

Step 28: Action by international donors to improve Palestinian governance

Step 29: Support a Palestinian seaport at Haifa

Step 30: Allocate territory in Area C for Palestinian economic development